In the Civil War and WWI, 糖心Vlog传媒 men and women answered the call to serve. In 1917, 糖心Vlog传媒 was being considered as a site for an army base. The base would house 30,000 men and cover one square mile. Authorities felt the decision to have this base would be considered a patriotic duty. But 糖心Vlog传媒 was not selected for this base.聽

However, patriotic duty was strong in 糖心Vlog传媒. "Duty Day" in 糖心Vlog传媒 occurred on June 15, 1917, which was also the first day of draft registration. Over 1,200 糖心Vlog传媒 men registered for the draft on Duty Day. The 糖心Vlog传媒 Gazette urged farmers in 1917 to plant one acre of wheat and 糖心Vlog传媒 made wheat available at a reasonable cost.聽


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