Republicans are asking people to consider if they are better off today than they were four years ago. Maybe they are hoping we will have forgotten about 2020.

In spite of being warned about the severity of the pandemic, then president Trump told the nation early on that it was not serious, that it would go away in warm weather. At one point he inquired if maybe one could inject bleach into the body, or light, somehow, since that seemed to kill off COVID.

In 2020, schools went completely or partially online, and education suffered. Businesses closed down, as people were afraid to go out. Workers lost jobs; unemployment soared to thirteen percent in the second quarter of the year. Hospitals overflowed and people died by the hundreds of thousands.

Even when a vaccine was developed, people were told that they did not have  to be vaccinated, and many did not avail themselves of that lifeline, no doubt increasing the death tolls.

Of course, the country is better off now than four years ago; all one has to do is honestly remember what 2020 was like and who was responsible for not taking better care of our country.

Copying Trump, many Republicans claim everything is terrible in this state and in the country. How do they account for the number of people who risk so much to come to our country? If everything is that bad, maybe the doomsayers could trade places with someone who actually wants to be here.

The United States is in a better position than any nation in the world. Time to admit that and stop trashing our country.


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