The Insiders: Advice from local businesses

The articles below are sponsored by local businesses.


    This year, in addition to the holiday blues, other factors are at play: social distancing and voluntary quarantine because of the COVID-19 pandemic. People who normally would venture outside to socialize during the holiday season might feel hesitant or not do it at all to prevent exposure to the virus. In those instances, friends and loved ones can mitigate feelings of isolation in various ways.


      Halloween celebrations will be different in 2020. The global pandemic has made activities riskier than usual. Here are some fun ways to celebrate a holiday that might feature limited in-person interaction with other costumed ghouls and goblins.


        Thoughtful people can give back to their communities in various ways. Coaching youth sports, volunteering for local charities, and donating to local food or clothing drives are just a few things we can do to help make our community a better place. 


          It is a good idea to plan for the inevitable aging process. Individuals, couples and families can help manage the uncertainty by considering a move to a Life Plan Community. Such a setting allows people to plan their lives – to the extent that is possible – by living in a community that provides various care options if those needs arise in the future. 


            Anyone helping a loved one deal with health matters during the current COVID-19 pandemic certainly knows that we are in uncharted territory, at least in recent times. If your loved one is elderly, the situation is even more complicated.


              The primary aim of nursing homes is to keep residents safe and healthy.  To do so, important precautions need to be taken, not only by staff members but by friends and family who visit their loved ones in nursing home facilities.  


                People want to grow old gracefully and maintain their independence as long as possible. Families have many decisions to make and piles of information to sort through as they try to ensure their loved ones’ needs are met in their golden years. Fortunately, resources are available to help make those decisions.


                  Aging brings about many changes, including some that can compromise a person’s ability to remain independent. In such instances, families often consider assisted living facilities for their loved ones.


                    As people age, various circumstances have to be reassessed. A current living situation might not be meeting the needs of a senior who might be having difficulty caring properly for himself or herself. Assisted living can be a viable option when a person can no longer live alone, but such facilities come with a price.